Namrata Gurung, Ph.D.

Senior Data Scientist @ QualityMinds GmbH

Namrata is currently working as Senior Data Scientist at QualityMinds GmbH in the field of large language models, and autonomous driving. In addition, she also teaches introductory course on NLP at Constructor Academy, Munich. Her past research experiences include a PostDoc in NLP (Natural Language Processing) at Bern University of Applied Sciences where she was working on biases in job ads, and at Thomson Reuters Labs, Zug in the field of LegalTech. Her educational background includes a Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics from ETH Zurich, Data-Science Bootcamp graduate from Constructor Academy, Zurich, and Masters in Physics from the University of Stuttgart and Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research. She often participates in hackathons related to AI for Social Impact.

Please feel free to reach out to Namrata